Tag Archives: moving on

#76 Her cup of tea

under cc license from Laurel Fan


The air bubble seemed to be dancing as she flipped the tiny bottle in her hand. The man she bought it from said she would need only a few drops.

She told herself it would be quick. They said the machine was living for him. There was nothing more she could do for him. She signed his release forms with her right hand and stirred the contents of the bottle into her tea with the other. It didn’t taste any different from the usual.

She had vowed to always be with him. This was just the beginning of another journey.

#65 Dawn

The suitcases stood by the door of her room. Nothing he said had stopped her from packing them last night. In the end he had watched dolefully as her wardrobes were emptied. How was she so happy about leaving?

It was all Aman’s fault. He couldn’t understand what she saw in the man. The man didn’t even like dogs.

Her alarm hadn’t worked today. He jumped onto the bed and dug his nose into her hair waking her from her sleep. This might just be their last morning walk together.

“Good morning Spike..” She said ruffling his long spaniel ears.


#62 Milk and Cookies


Aryan was refusing to let the nurse feed him.

“He’ll eat them after they’re soaked in milk. If only I could tell her.” She said looking at her elder brother.
He sighed, “You know how it feels to hear voices from beyond.”

“It was you who made those noises when I was young wasn’t it?”
He laughed “It was funny watching you hide under the bed. It wasn’t like I was going to hurt you.”

She looked down at her son. “I wish I hadn’t read Aryan so many scary ghost stories. Maybe then I could have spoken to him.”